Sep 16, 2008

Lifestyle - Money Matters

Spike Milligan once said, “Money can’t buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.” He was not very much off the mark. Researchers have found out that it is not the roses, candles and all that ‘till death do us apart’ balderdash that keeps couples together. No, it’s plain cold cash.

This puts paid to all those pious sentiments expressed by the seemingly sentimental that it is their partner’s intelligence, compassion, even physical attributes that is the secret of an enduring union. No siree, it is more western union money transfer that does the trick. When you don’t see rupee to rupee, then you’re in trouble.

So, it is clear that instead of gazing into each other’s eyes and dressing up to impress when courting, what you need is a natter about money matters. It could prove the best investment for matrimony later. There is nothing quite like interest accruing on investment to keep interest in the marriage going, it would seem. This makes it a lot easier for women, it’s not always blondes that gentlemen prefer, but bonds. Is there any truth in all of this? Well, we don’t know for sure but we certainly can cheque, sorry check, and get back to you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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