Oct 20, 2008

Lifestyle - Fitness;Do it together


Want to add value to your together time? Try working out as a duo.

Now’s the time to bond; now is the time to do things together especially if you are the kind of duo who do your own thing. Each of you has your corporate ladder to climb, your set of friends to socialise with and yet you are always looking for fun things to do together, yet something that adds ‘value’ to your together time.

You could be thinking pub or movie. Maybe candle-lit dinners laden with love, food and calories. You could be making enough money to buy out the restaurant for a night, just to spend some quiet time with your mate. Nice…very nice. How often, though?

I recommend working out together. It’s a lot less expensive and the benefits are tremendous. Chat each other up on the bike or as you sweat it out on the EFX. Compare yoga postures, do a together consultation with the nutritionist and change family feeding habits! Benefits: plenty. You get a great body, build friendship and make memories to share later together.

Before all this, though, you need to get started. Set a time, make it fluid. So you can fit it into your routine at least four times a week for around 40 minutes to an hour.

A few tips

Firstly, find an exercise or activity that interests you together as a couple. No point in going to a yoga class if your man is not the aasana-kind. Find something you like together. Anything. Chennai has its beaches. If you live close to one or if it is on your way back from office, make a date to meet. Remember to carry your exercise shoes along. Your clothing could be a problem if you are expected to wear formal stuff in office. Change into comfortable tracks before you leave to make matters easier.

If walks are out, get a gym membership! Most of the better setups are air conditioned, have some fabulous equipment and trained people to get you moving. Tell the people you consult your goals, make them real, and see, feel, experience the change in your body, mind, soul and relationship!

Decided to go gymming? Try a personal couple trainer for a couple of months. He/she will count while you do your chatting. Your fitness plan too can be made so that you can spend as much time in close proximity as possible, shutting out the rest. Imagine sweating it out in peace together! A cheerful earful for the ones worried about the cost — many gyms offer exciting discounts for couple workouts.

Don’t dwindle

It happens all the time. I’ve seen many couples dwindle when one is feeling down. But here’s my take: there may be times when one of you may feel down, de-motivated, grumpy. Not ready to go gymming. You’ve got to boost your partner up. Like you would with any other problem — work-related or otherwise.

Bring in fun! Only you can do it because you know your significant other the best. You know what gets them going, what makes them feel better. Bring in the fun. If gymming gets the other down, do something different. Pack your bags and go for a weekend and simply chill. Or get the adrenaline pumping with a catamaran ride and beach volleyball. Maybe it will help the plateau ease off.

Or if it is workout variety you crave, try ballroom dancing or learn a new dance style. Desi Grooves or Salsa. Aerobics too is exciting. Do it three times a week instead of cardio and enjoy! So just live it up!

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