Nov 24, 2008

Entertainment - India;FWICE Vs Producers,Strike continues,shooting to begin today

Robin Thomas

There is some positive development in the standoff between the producers and the Federation of Western India Cine Workers (FWICE) with the FWICE officials informing that the shooting for all shows would commence full-fledged from November 24, 2008. In a conversation with exchange4media, Dinesh Chaturvedi, General Secretary, FWICE, informed, “There is some work that has begun already and by November 24, the shooting would begin full-fledged for all the shows.”

Chaturvedi was also quick to inform that the issues between the Federation and the producers had not been completely resolved as yet. The FWICE had met on November 21 and formed of a core committee of 12 members that would negotiate with the producers to resolve all the surrounding issues between the two parties. Chaturvedi said that he expected these issues to be resolved latest by December 10, 2008.

When exchange4media spoke to various broadcasters on this, everyone said that they were “hopeful that the shooting would begin on Monday, but have as yet not been officially informed on this by the Federation”. One of the broadcasters said, “Officially, the strike is still on, but our producers have informed us that they have spoken to their respective units and they would begin work on Monday.”

The advertisers, in the meanwhile, are looking at cancelling release orders and holding back campaigns unless this problem is solved. The fact that shooting would commence from November 24 would come as relief to both advertisers that were banking on Hindi GECs for their campaigns, and for the broadcasters as well. However, with the recent scene of the strike being called off only to be brought on again in less than 24 hours has left most in a ‘wait-and-watch’ mode.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that was signed on November 19 has been scrapped. As per the MOU, the two parties had decided on the wages that the producers would pay to the various crafts that form the FWICE. However, the Federation officials were of the opinion that all the 22 crafts were not represented in the MOU signed.

The MoU signed on November 19 also mentioned that it would supersede all previous MoUs and contracts in relation to the wages and working conditions. The workers had reacted strongly against the MoU, and the Federation officers who had signed it were left with little choice but to back out.


Anonymous said...

i guess if the producers are unable to resolve the matter soon they will end up with zero viewers as everyone will surely get busy with some or the other task or entertainment... i suspect that soon these producers will be begging coz greed does destroy one

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